The Gallo Post
A space for all things accounting — here, Katie shares her insights, tips, and strategies to help business owners navigate the finance world intentionally.
Hi everyone, Katie here.
As I write this article, I am looking at the date on the calendar and finding it hard to believe I am already talking about the next filing season. However, it is the perfect...
As stated in our previous article, “Revenue Ruling 2020-27 and Impacts on 2020 Taxes”, legislation surrounding COVID-19 relief for Americans and small businesses is ever-evolving. On December 24...
If you are confused by the announcement of Revenue Ruling 2020-27 on November 18th, welp, join the club. What was initially considered much-needed relief to small businesses during the beginning of CO...
It’s a tale as old as time; a new business opens, the money starts coming in, and the expenses start going out. Sounds simple, right? However, it would behoove all business owners to know not all cash...
“Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small” -Sun Tzu.
For the busy small business owner neck-deep in new ideas and excited customers, the information going on ...
So, you have decided to take a big step toward your goals and want to build a business you can call your own. Whether this has always been your dream or an unexpected lane change due to current circum...
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